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Play and Learn Mathematics Outdoors (Age 2 - 8)  :   Japanese Edition

Kajsa Molander / Gerd Strandberg / Torsten Kellander / Robert Lättman-Masch /

Mats Wejdmark / Mia Bucht

Original Title : Leka och Lära Matematik Ute

Published by Learning Outdoor, June 2018 / 124 pages / 2,300 yen (+tax)

Authors  :

Co-Translators  : 

Lena Lindahl / Mikihiko Yamamoto / Kazane Yamamoto


What's New

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Outdoor learning has an opportunity to widen the classroom,

and broaden the range of your life-long learning.

Mathematics is so much more than figures and numbers on a piece of paper. With the pre-school children it is perfectly suitable to work with the language, basic terms, grouping and patterns - outdoors and in games. The book contains a number of exercises that playfully train this. The exercises are adapted to the playground at the pre-school or in the nearest grove. Many of the exercises are also suitable for children in the early school years.

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* Turn on English subtitle

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Kajsa Morander

Upplandsstiftelsens Naturskola

Gerd Strandberg

Tosten Kerander

Robert Lättman-Masch

Nynäshamns Naturskola

Mats Wejdmark

Nynäshamns Naturskola

Mia Bucht

Falu Naturskola

(From left) Torsten, Gerd, Robert, Kajsa, Mia and Mats

Our ambition with this book is to illustrate playful and joyful examples on how to work in the nature with children in the ages of 2-6. We hope that this book will be an inspiration source to all of you who are on your way outdoors and into the nature with the preschool group.

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Table of contents

1. The language of Mathematics

2. Measurement and spatial sense

    (Spatial sense and body awareness / Length / Shapes / Size and position / Time / Weight)

3. Grouping and patterns

    (Grouping and patterns / Grouping games / Sounds / Patterns)

4. Number Sense

    (The numerals / Quantity and value of numbers)

5. Themes

    (The worm / The common magpie - pica pica / The squirrel)

6. Math workshop on the playground

    (Boards / Vests / Grids)

7. Practical tips

    (Tips for you who are on your way out / Materials / Literature / Exercises and rhymes in alphabetical order)

8. Assignment cards

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 - Grouping games

 - Bags with secrets

 - 1-meter rope

 - Treasure hunt

 - Which one is longest?

 - Search for animal tracks

 - Time experiment

 - Number tricks

 - Themes - the worm, the magpie, the squirrel

Contains 180 Math activities

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Learning Outdoor, LLC.

Nakakashiwano-cho 62-11, Murasakino, Kitaku, 603-8312, Kyoto, Japan


Director : Mikihiko Yamamoto

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